22:20 | 28/05/2022
<< Countries around the world >>
Population: 6,736,176. Land area is 191,800 Km2 (74,054 sq. miles). Capital: Bishkek
- The current population of Kyrgyzstan is 6,728,464 as of Saturday, May 28, 2022, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.
- Kyrgyzstan 2020 population is estimated at 6,524,195 people at mid year according to UN data.
- Kyrgyzstan population is equivalent to 0.08% of the total world population.
- Kyrgyzstan ranks number 111 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
- The population density in Kyrgyzstan is 34 per Km2 (88 people per mi2).
- The total land area is 191,800 Km2 (74,054 sq. miles)
- 35.6 % of the population is urban (2,322,557 people in 2020)
- The median age in Kyrgyzstan is 26.0 years.
Population of Kyrgyzstan (2020 and historical)
Year | Population | Yearly% Change |
Yearly Change |
Migrants (net) | Median Age | Fertility Rate | Density (P/Km²) | Urban Pop% |
Urban Population | World Population | Global Rank |
2020 | 6,524,195 | 1.69 % | 108,345 | -4,000 | 26.0 | 3.00 | 34 | 35.6% | 2,322,557 | 7,794,798,739 | 111 |
2019 | 6,415,850 | 1.77 % | 111,820 | -4,000 | 25.3 | 3.24 | 33 | 35.5% | 2,275,452 | 7,713,468,100 | 112 |
2018 | 6,304,030 | 1.85 % | 114,297 | -4,000 | 25.3 | 3.24 | 33 | 35.4% | 2,229,369 | 7,631,091,040 | 112 |
2017 | 6,189,733 | 1.90 % | 115,403 | -4,000 | 25.3 | 3.24 | 32 | 35.3% | 2,184,417 | 7,547,858,925 | 112 |
2016 | 6,074,330 | 1.93 % | 115,209 | -4,000 | 25.3 | 3.24 | 32 | 35.2% | 2,140,739 | 7,464,022,049 | 112 |
2015 | 5,959,121 | 1.91 % | 107,366 | -18,671 | 25.1 | 3.30 | 31 | 35.2% | 2,098,492 | 7,379,797,139 | 112 |
2010 | 5,422,293 | 1.33 % | 69,389 | -15,321 | 24.0 | 2.78 | 28 | 35.3% | 1,914,419 | 6,956,823,603 | 112 |
2005 | 5,075,347 | 0.62 % | 30,927 | -34,582 | 23.8 | 2.50 | 26 | 35.3% | 1,791,108 | 6,541,907,027 | 113 |
2000 | 4,920,712 | 1.51 % | 70,923 | -5,454 | 22.5 | 2.96 | 26 | 35.3% | 1,736,915 | 6,143,493,823 | 112 |
1995 | 4,566,096 | 0.87 % | 38,642 | -55,250 | 21.6 | 3.64 | 24 | 36.3% | 1,659,749 | 5,744,212,979 | 113 |
1990 | 4,372,885 | 1.83 % | 75,963 | -25,377 | 21.8 | 4.06 | 23 | 37.8% | 1,651,958 | 5,327,231,061 | 110 |
1985 | 3,993,071 | 2.03 % | 76,420 | -10,832 | 21.7 | 4.20 | 21 | 38.4% | 1,532,417 | 4,870,921,740 | 111 |
1980 | 3,610,970 | 1.87 % | 63,978 | -9,168 | 20.9 | 4.59 | 19 | 38.6% | 1,394,808 | 4,458,003,514 | 110 |
1975 | 3,291,078 | 2.08 % | 64,245 | -2,413 | 19.6 | 5.12 | 17 | 38.2% | 1,256,740 | 4,079,480,606 | 109 |
1970 | 2,969,851 | 2.94 % | 80,080 | 20,837 | 19.4 | 5.21 | 15 | 37.5% | 1,112,679 | 3,700,437,046 | 107 |
1965 | 2,569,452 | 3.44 % | 79,872 | 20,621 | 21.6 | 5.55 | 13 | 35.9% | 921,183 | 3,339,583,597 | 115 |
1960 | 2,170,094 | 2.65 % | 53,206 | 5,641 | 24.0 | 5.20 | 11 | 34.2% | 741,749 | 3,034,949,748 | 114 |
1955 | 1,904,062 | 1.82 % | 32,812 | 3,505 | 25.3 | 4.36 | 10 | 30.6% | 582,387 | 2,773,019,936 | 115 |
Kyrgyzstan Population Forecast
Year | Population | Yearly% Change |
Yearly Change |
Migrants (net) | Median Age | Fertility Rate | Density (P/Km²) | Urban Pop% |
Urban Population | World Population | Global Rank |
2020 | 6,524,195 | 1.83 % | 113,015 | -4,000 | 26.0 | 3.00 | 34 | 35.6% | 2,322,557 | 7,794,798,739 | 111 |
2025 | 7,009,833 | 1.45 % | 97,128 | -10,000 | 26.8 | 3.00 | 37 | 36.7% | 2,573,712 | 8,184,437,460 | 109 |
2030 | 7,446,104 | 1.21 % | 87,254 | -10,000 | 27.3 | 3.00 | 39 | 38.4% | 2,861,502 | 8,548,487,400 | 108 |
2035 | 7,872,841 | 1.12 % | 85,347 | -10,000 | 27.8 | 3.00 | 41 | 40.7% | 3,201,392 | 8,887,524,213 | 108 |
2040 | 8,307,134 | 1.08 % | 86,859 | -10,000 | 28.8 | 3.00 | 43 | 43.0% | 3,576,036 | 9,198,847,240 | 106 |
2045 | 8,732,746 | 1.00 % | 85,122 | -10,000 | 30.2 | 3.00 | 46 | 45.4% | 3,961,869 | 9,481,803,274 | 106 |
2050 | 9,126,108 | 0.89 % | 78,672 | 31.5 | 3.00 | 48 | 47.6% | 4,346,012 | 9,735,033,990 | 105 |
Main Cities by Population in Kyrgyzstan
1 | Bishkek | 900,000 | ||
2 | Osh | 200,000 | ||
3 | Jalal-Abad | 75,700 | ||
4 | Karakol | 70,171 | ||
5 | Tokmok | 63,047 | ||
6 | Kara-Balta | 62,796 | ||
7 | Naryn | 52,300 | ||
8 | Uzgen | 40,360 | ||
9 | Balykchy | 40,000 | ||
10 | Talas | 35,172 | ||
11 | Kyzyl-Kyya | 32,000 | ||
12 | Bazar-Korgon | 27,704 | ||
13 | Iradan | 26,200 | ||
14 | Tash-Kumyr | 23,594 | ||
15 | Kant | 20,181 | ||
16 | Toktogul | 19,336 | ||
17 | Cholpon-Ata | 18,595 | ||
18 | Kara Suu | 17,800 | ||
19 | Isfana | 16,952 | ||
20 | Kyzyl-Suu | 16,927 | ||
21 | At-Bashi | 15,226 | ||
22 | Suluktu | 15,019 |