Monday, 10/02/2025 - 01:27

War and peace. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

03:17 | 20/06/2022

War and Peace is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, published serially, then in its entirety in 1869. It is regarded as a central work of world literature and one of Tolstoy’s finest literary achievements.

The novel chronicles the French invasion of Russia and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society through the stories of five Russian aristocratic families. Portions of an earlier version, titled The Year 1805,were serialized in The Russian Messenger from 1865 to 1867, then published in its entirety in 1869.

Tolstoy said War and Peace is “not a novel, even less is it a poem, and still less a historical chronicle.” Large sections, especially the later chapters, are philosophical discussion rather than narrative.[6] Tolstoy also said that the best Russian literature does not conform to standards and hence hesitated to call War and Peace a novel. Instead, he regarded Anna Karenina as his first true novel. The Encyclopædia Britannica states: “It can be argued that no single English novel attains the universality of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace”

Table of contents

      Book One: 1805  
 Chapter I  Chapter VII  Chapter XIII  Chapter XIX  Chapter XXV
 Chapter II  Chapter VIII  Chapter XIV  Chapter XX  Chapter XXVI
 Chapter III  Chapter IX  Chapter XV  Chapter XXI  Chapter XXVII
 Chapter IV  Chapter X  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXII  Chapter XXVIII
 Chapter V  Chapter XI  Chapter XVII  Chapter XXIII  
 Chapter VI  Chapter XII  Chapter XVIII  Chapter XXIV  
    Book Two: 1805    
 Chapter I  Chapter VI  Chapter XI  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXI
 Chapter II  Chapter VII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVII  
 Chapter III  Chapter VIII  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVIII  
 Chapter IV  Chapter IX  Chapter XIV  Chapter XIX  
 Chapter V  Chapter X  Chapter XV  Chapter XX  
    Book Three: 1805    
 Chapter I  Chapter V  Chapter IX  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVII
 Chapter II  Chapter VI  Chapter X  Chapter XIV  Chapter XVIII
 Chapter III  Chapter VII  Chapter XI  Chapter XV  Chapter XIX
 Chapter IV  Chapter VIII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVI  
    Book Four: 1806    
 Chapter I  Chapter V  Chapter IX   Chapter XIII  
 Chapter II  Chapter VI  Chapter X  Chapter XIV  
 Chapter III  Chapter VII Chapter XI  Chapter XV  
 Chapter IV  Chapter VIII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVI  
    Book Five: 1806    
Chapter I  Chapter VI  Chapter XI  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXI
Chapter II  Chapter VII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVII  Chapter XXII
Chapter III  Chapter VIII  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVIII  
Chapter IV  Chapter IX  Chapter XIV  Chapter XIX  
Chapter V  Chapter X  Chapter XV  Chapter XX  
    Book Six: 1808 – 1810    
 Chapter I  Chapter VII  Chapter XIII  Chapter XIX  Chapter XXV
 Chapter II  Chapter VIII  Chapter XIV  Chapter XX  Chapter XXVI
 Chapter III  Chapter IX  Chapter XV  Chapter XXI  
 Chapter IV  Chapter X  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXII  
 Chapter V  Chapter XI  Chapter XVII  Chapter XXIII  
 Chapter VI  Chapter XII  Chapter XVIII  Chapter XXIV  
    Book Seven: 1810    
 Chapter I  Chapter IV  Chapter VII  Chapter X  Chapter XIII
 Chapter II  Chapter V  Chapter VIII  Chapter XI  
 Chapter III  Chapter VI  Chapter IX  Chapter XII  
    Book Eight: 1811    
 Chapter I  Chapter VI  Chapter XI  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXI
 Chapter II  Chapter VII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVII  Chapter XXII
 Chapter III  Chapter VIII  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVIII  
 Chapter IV  Chapter IX  Chapter XIV  Chapter XIX  
 Chapter V  Chapter X  Chapter XV  Chapter XX  
    Book Eight: 1811    
 Chapter I  Chapter VI  Chapter XI  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXI
 Chapter II  Chapter VII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVII  Chapter XXII
 Chapter III  Chapter VIII  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVIII  Chapter XXIII
 Chapter IV  Chapter IX  Chapter XIV  Chapter XIX  
 Chapter V  Chapter X  Chapter XV  Chapter XX  
    Book Ten: 1812    
 Chapter I  Chapter IX  Chapter XVII  Chapter XXV  Chapter XXXIII
 Chapter II  Chapter X  Chapter XVIII  Chapter XXVI  Chapter XXXIV
 Chapter III  Chapter XI  Chapter XIX  Chapter XXVII  Chapter XXXV
 Chapter IV  Chapter XII  Chapter XX  Chapter XXVIII  Chapter XXXVI
 Chapter V  Chapter XIII  Chapter XXI  Chapter XXIX  Chapter XXXVII
 Chapter VI  Chapter XIV  Chapter XXII  Chapter XXX  Chapter XXXVIII
 Chapter VII  Chapter XV  Chapter XXIII  Chapter XXXI  Chapter XXXIX
 Chapter VIII  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXIV  Chapter XXXII  
    Book Eleven: 1812    
 Chapter I  Chapter VIII  Chapter XV  Chapter XXII  Chapter XXIX
 Chapter II  Chapter IX  Chapter XVI  Chapter XXIII  Chapter XXX
 Chapter III  Chapter X  Chapter XVII  Chapter XXIV  Chapter XXXI
 Chapter IV  Chapter XI  Chapter XVIII  Chapter XXV  Chapter XXXII
 Chapter V  Chapter XII  Chapter XIX  Chapter XXVI  Chapter XXXIII
 Chapter VI  Chapter XIII  Chapter XX  Chapter XXVII  Chapter XXXIV
 Chapter VII  Chapter XIV  Chapter XXI  Chapter XXVIII  
    Book Twelve: 1812    
 Chapter I  Chapter V  Chapter IX  Chapter XIII  
 Chapter II  Chapter VI  Chapter X  Chapter XIV  
 Chapter III  Chapter VII  Chapter XI  Chapter XV  
 Chapter IV  Chapter VIII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVI  
    Book Thirteen: 1812    
 Chapter I  Chapter V  Chapter IX  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVII
 Chapter II  Chapter VI  Chapter X  Chapter XIV  Chapter XVIII
 Chapter III  Chapter VII  Chapter XI  Chapter XV  Chapter XIX
 Chapter IV  Chapter VIII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVI  
    Book Fourteen: 1812    
  Chapter I  Chapter V  Chapter IX  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVII
 Chapter II  Chapter VI  Chapter X  Chapter XIV  Chapter XVIII
 Chapter III  Chapter VII  Chapter XI  Chapter XV  Chapter XIX
 Chapter IV  Chapter VIII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVI  
    Book Fifteen: 1812 -1813    
 Chapter I  Chapter V  Chapter IX  Chapter XIII  Chapter XVII
 Chapter II  Chapter VI  Chapter X  Chapter XIV  Chapter XVIII
 Chapter III  Chapter VII  Chapter XI  Chapter XV  Chapter XIX
 Chapter IV  Chapter VIII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVI  Chapter XX
    First Epilogue: 1813 – 1820    
 Chapter I  Chapter V  Chapter IX  Chapter XIII  
 Chapter II  Chapter VI  Chapter X  Chapter XIV  
 Chapter III  Chapter VII  Chapter XI  Chapter XV  
 Chapter IV  Chapter VIII  Chapter XII  Chapter XVI  
    Second Epilogue    
 Chapter I  Chapter IV  Chapter VII  Chapter X  
 Chapter II  Chapter V  Chapter VIII  Chapter XI  
 Chapter III  Chapter VI  Chapter IX  Chapter XII  


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