Giovedì, 12/09/2024 - 12:08

Easy Page Buildr

22:58 | 14/02/2023

Easy Page Buildr

If you’re sick of being promised another ‘Simple to Use’ page editor, but instead find out that you need to have a degree in databases just to get it installed, and a spare month to learn how to use it… Then Easy Page Buildr is exactly what you’re looking for!

We know that a LOT of people want to ‘stick with what they know’ and keep things as simple as possible, purely for speed.
Because we all know that Time is Money… So the longer it takes us to create something, the more money we need to make!

We didn’t want to create another complicated page editor that takes you half your life to learn… That’s if you possess the skills to actually get it up and running, so we kept things as simple as humanly possible, using What You See is What You Get editors that we all know and love. Just click where you want to edit and type away, there’s literally nothing Faster or Easier!

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